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Everything posted by HEAVY LEATHER

  1. Thanks Doc for the help, looks like MSC only carries the actual mallet(no replacement parts), but they do carry a whole bunch of other things to spend some of my hard earned greenbacks on. Might have to retire the poor thing before i ever get a chance to use it.
  2. Just picked up some tools on craigslist. The guy was askin 125, and I think I got a pretty sweet deal. I got 2 swivel knives, 2 sets of letters, a mallet a couple books and 70 stamps(18 rbs,19 midas,8 craftool no number,6 no USA, and 9 stamped USA, and 10 no name). If anyone out there knows where to find replacement faces for this style mallet and could point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated
  3. Thank u Serena for the encouragement:) Went ahead and invested in some real tools(all I had was a swivel knife and some sewing tools), so hopefully my next projects will turn out a lil better.

    New To Leather

    Hi everybody:) Got into leatherworking last yr around Christmas time, got a few weeks in and liked it alot but got busy and gave it up. Thinkin about pickin it back up and thought i would post some pics of what i did to see if i could get some honest feedback. I'm kinda lookin for somethin to make some money on the side that i like to do (absolutely no pride or gratification at my 9-5 job). Anyways thanks in advance and hopefully this is the first of many posts.
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