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Everything posted by STERLING

  1. First piece of leather usually ain't your last, good luck
  2. hell i agree with all ,really become personall preference ,have carried both out side and inside ,under the arm and so on ,but really it is the costumer or your comfort carry zone ,
  3. perfect this is exactly what i wanted , perfect this is exactly what i was looking for thank you ,Ira
  4. Does anyone know where to find a maker of custom maker stamps ,besides the nylon one they make at Tandy
  5. All i can say is BEAUTIFUL
  6. range finder case
  7. i can do by hand not machine
  8. hey micheal i can do by hand not machine,
  9. no its not lined and thanks, thanks every one ,and yes my hands kill me lol ,i try not to do to many like this
  10. Hand stamped, dyed, and stitched. What do you think?
  11. ooook thanks AGAIN must not have caught it the first time
  12. hey i have another ? surface prep is this what you are talking about....
  13. so you do all die before you mold and it doesnt enterfer with molding ,i have yet to try it that way ,was not sure if the leather would absorb water or not ,i will try that next time ,thank you i wondered if i could use regular thinner or not i do body work ,for a liveing ,didnt know i i could use it or not ,cool thanks for the info.
  14. What do you all recomend for preping leather after molding for a better coler app? I use fiebings die,normally don't have this problem but ahave noticed it more so when i do more hand molding . and what to use to lighten this type of die also ,,thanks
  15. hey it was all hand ,,and thank you
  16. i just really do what pops up in my head ,lol,kinda get a idea from the owner and work with it
  17. hello ,lol started leather about a year ago ,its almost like a drug can't seem to stop thinking about it ,

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  18. my first camera case,not to bad, sueade lined molded
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