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    Leather, Guns, Paracord

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  1. Just saw your pics and website. Your guitars and straps are some beautiful art. Keep up the great work.

    I may have to try pyrography on leather


  2. Absolutely Impressive!! That tops my favorite list Keep up the great work
  3. com202


    You're too kind. Thank You
  4. These were bent by hand using leather gloves to protect my hands. top left: 10'x1"x1/4" top right: 10'x1"x3/16" bottom: 10'x3/4"x3/16"
  5. These were bent by hand using only a piece of leather to protect my hands.
  6. I thought some might find these interesting. I have pics in my gallery. Several years ago I got into feats of strength. Bending steel(nails, bolts, horseshoes, wrenches, anything) Tearing decks of cards and phone books. General hand strength As much as I love bending steel I had to quit because my body can only take so much abuse. Then I picked up paracord. Making bracelets, lanyards, leads, knife wraps, watchbands etc. Now, I do the paracord when the mood strikes or I get a request. Leather is primary now. I can't have a cheap hobby. Enjoy
  7. Your first attempt looks great. I like the shape of the leather backing, also the coloring. Did you have to put a sight channel in the kydex, or does it even need one? Have you found anything you would change? A friend and I are working on a hybrid iwb holster Keep up the great work
  8. com202


    Thanks Sixer!! The leather is around 9oz., I'm not sure of the dimensions, but you can see the 1'x1' rubber mat under it. I found the design on the internet and thought it looked cool so I decided I would try it out. Printed the picture the size I wanted, traced it, and transferred it with a stylus. Cut it out with a knife then cut the lines with a swivel knife then beveled those lines. I wasn't even half way through the beveling when I figured I was in over my head and I also realized I needed to cut the small pieces out of the design. I was just going to leave those, since I was already beveling, but I didn't think it would look good. Used a knife to carefully remove those pieces the best I could, then used a dremel tool to finish them off. The dye is Fiebing's USMC Black, 3 or 4 coats. Next up is Silver paint on the letters, banner, and the top and bottom decorative carvings. Then a red outline around everything. I'm still working on the best way to paint it. What I have now is nowhere near perfect, but I'm hoping I don't completely ruin it when I paint it. I need to sit down and work on my abilities with the swivel knife and tools. Maybe this answered any questions you may have had, if not just ask away. I'm new to leatherworking, everything I've made is in my gallery. My brother made the tally book cover and the business card holders. That being said, I am more than willing to help anybody I can. Jason
  9. Hey Im Rob andIm new to the site and I love your work!! really cool!!

  10. Here is a pic of the completed project. http://i1210.photobu...com202/311f.jpg I bought a frame and had to modify it it slightly to work. Michael, Thank You for the comment. I just gave it to her a few hours ago and she absolutely loved it. Thanks again Here is a pic of the bow wrist slings i make. http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc407/com202/sling.jpg
  11. Sorry for the ridiculously huge pics. When I learn how to resize them I will add more. Jason
  12. Hello All, First off, this is a great forum I have really enjoyed browsing through since i joined. As the title states I'm from Oklahoma, Southwestern. I'm a Patrol Lieutenant at my local P.D. I started Leather work several weeks ago. I was training in Miami(Oklahoma) with a couple friends from a neighboring department and one of them was going to buy a bow wrist sling from Wal-Mart, I convinced him to keep his money because I could make a better one for him and free. I figured out how to make the paracord sling and I only needed to make the leather bracket. Once I started working with Leather I realized how fun it is and its a good stress reliever for me. I carved a design into some leather for a friends birthday, it's her favorite bands logo. I'm wanting it to be something she can hang on a wall, I'm just unsure of what to attach the leather to to make this happen. I'll post several photographs of the mentioned projects, remember these are my first. I really need to work on using my swivel knife as well as all aspects of Leather carving Thanks, Jason
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