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About tpeters

  • Birthday 01/05/1976

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    southern Oklahoma
  • Interests
    Archery,leatherwork,tinkering with anything

LW Info

  • Interested in learning about
    all types of leathercraft

tpeters's Achievements

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New Member (1/4)

  1. Thought I'd chime in here. I've found a pretty good tooling surface if your limited on space like myself. I worked at a hardware store an the place we ordered countertops from had a product called Verona marble. It was a manmade product that was cement based, looked like granite. But it's heavy like 30#'s for a 19x17 oval 1" thick, and hard it sounds like your hitting a steel plate when your working. So you might check the countertop places.
  2. I've got a C.S. Osborne No. 34 scratch compass an was wondering how to sharpen the gouges that came with it. I've tinkered with 1000 and 1500 grit sandpaper,then moving to the strop. But they still seem to drag and chatter,not as bad as before. Am I just not going far enough or do I need to maybe use a jewelers file on the inside edge. Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks. Torrey
  3. Twinoaks thanks for the tips. I will check into liquid latex. Never thought about an airbrush for dyes, but it makes sense probably alot more even coating than using a wool dauber.
  4. That sucks, I've been there. Oklahoma ice storms leave the same kind of damage. Was out of power for a week year before last.
  5. thanks for the info, do i understand this right if I'm using Feibig oil dye it will bleed through any resist.
  6. I would like to know how to leave a portion of a project natural, while being able to dye the rest. I've tried this a couple of times an have had some bleeding into the resisted area. What are the proper steps an products to do this. Example I would like to leave the rune in the picture below natural while all else would be brown. thanks Torrey
  7. Nice, I'll have to remember this. Wonder if you make the center punch work on grommets if you used a bigger punch.
  8. Can't give you much on input or advice, being a newbie myself. But that looks alot better than my first project.
  9. Hi, names Torrey. I've been playing around with leatherwork for a couple years now off an on. An now some of my buddies are wanting me to build stuff for them. So I was looking for someplace to get more info on the craft an found this site an have been looking around. Finally decided to make an intro an post a couple pics of some of the things I've built, an have you guys take a look an tell me where i can improved. Already read Hidepounders thread on finishing edges an made notes for future projects. So take a look an tell me what you think. Rune patch to be sewn on hip Quiver Archery Pocket Quiver Armguard for owner of the shop I shoot at. wanted it like my pocket quiver with the shop name. 1st time stamping 3/4 inch letters.
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