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Everything posted by Amyhis

  1. Thanks for the comment! My viking is a great machine for lighter leather jobs and I just got the mercury, but so far it has done a good job. (it's an older, pre-owned machine) I heard some negative comments on it after I had bought it, that it is hard to find the replacement gears, but hopefully the machine shop I got it from can help... I got it pretty inexpensively, so hopefully it will last long enough to pay for itself and then some, then I can invest in a new one!
  2. Ebay has several "Maker" stamp makers....
  3. My company name is Mountain Dog Gear, and I have a logo, but don't know how I'm going to simplify it yet to go on a maker stamp. I was thinking about a simple mountain design and maybe a silhouette of a dog's head or something, but I don't want it to get too busy... Here is my official logo for my company:
  4. Wow, that's really good for your first one! Love the border!
  5. Thanks! and yep, I really enjoy leatherwork!
  6. Here are some of my projects that I have done. A harness for a Terrier named "Shorty" My friend broke her arm in a motorcycle accident and wanted a cast cover made The breastplate for my dog's tracking harness My first leather harness that I made My dog wearing her current leather harness I made this belt for my dad. Ended up dying it a darker brown....
  7. Hi, my name is Amy, and I sell dog gear for working dogs, mainly Search and Rescue Dogs, but other dogs too, like service dogs, etc. I make leather leashes, harnesses, tracking lines, etc. I also enjoy making belts for myself and my family and new to tooling. my website is: My link. I have a Mercury M280L Industrial machine and a Viking Saphire for lighter jobs. Looking forward to learning from all of you guys (and gals!)
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