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About willo

  • Rank
    New Member

Profile Information

  • Location
    Virginia Beach, Va.
  • Interests
    leather working, various crafts

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    pouches, holsters, knife sheaths
  • Interested in learning about
    saame as above
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    word search
  1. I might even use one on my Klingon uniform. Not exactly screen accurate but the right proportions for the back flap of the "Col. West " uniform on Star Trek 6
  2. Too wide, but the four dome studs have the right proportions and I can square 'em up with putty & paint them with silver paint. Les than ideal but better than making them from scratch. I might order some spikes for the pommel of my Klingon knife too, while I'm at it. Many thanks for the link! I wonder why my word search didn't turn up the web site.
  3. Thanks for the links! I'm looking for something the approximate proportions of ensign / first lieutenant bars I don't know if the attachment will work but I'm including a picture showing their use on a Klingon costume, used with pyramid shaped dots.
  4. Thanks for the links! I'm looking for something the approximate proportions of ensign / first lieutenant bars I don't know if the attachment will work but I'm including a picture showing their use on a Klingon costume, used with pyramid shaped dots.
  5. Does anybody know where I can obtain some plain rectangular spots or studs aprox. 25-30 mm or about one inch long? I'd prefer nickle or chrome finish but can make do otherwise. I've searched all of the on-line catalogs I could find and turned up nothing but I'm sure they exist, as I've seen them used before.
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