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Everything posted by schwebel

  1. Thank you all for your input. Slowing the motor down really helped me to learn how to use the machine better. Also watching about every youtube video I can find. I really wish there was a video on tension adjustment though. I have done a couple things where the stitches look great top and bottom. I have also done some where the bottom stitch looks way to tight and I can't figure out the tension adjustment for the different thicknesses. I guess practice, practice practice and I'll figure it out.
  2. So I finally got my first sewing machine. A cobra class 4 premium package. I do mainly holsters and belts and was wondering about setting up the machine and if anyone had any tips. Do you use the holster plate at all or the roller guide? If so what advantages are there to it and is there any tricks to setting it up? What size stitches work best? Also what needles and thread weight? Do you play with any of the tensions depending on leather weight? Sorry for the noob questions but this is the first sewing machine I have ever used and want to get started off right, thanks.
  3. Very nice! I would really like to see the back of the speedstrip holder to see how it attaches to the belt. I have been wondering about ordering from RJF. I have been scared about buying leather sight unseen, but that looks to be some very nice quality. Mind if I ask what weight you are using?
  4. Ill have to try the dunking. I use an air-brush with 50-50 mop n glow and it turns out very well. I really wish it would shine a little more, it seems to give a more satiny finish than acrylic spray.
  5. My black top grain leather couch is about four months old and I think it is about time to clean and condition it. I was just wondering what everyone else used on their furniture?
  6. [/img] A friend of mine from work gave me these tools. He said they have been sitting in a box for 35 years and he wanted them to be used instead of collecting dust. I am still pretty new to leather working and I don't know what the tool on the very bottom left is?
  7. I am a relative noob to leatherworking. Maybe about 4 months expirience. I have been using a box cutter for making my holsters. It works, but the blades don't stay sharp for long and the cuts seem like they leave something to be desired. I have been wondering about a round knife. Are they worth the investment, or will they return the same results as a box knife? Also what size(s) are the best to use for holsters. Can I use one or do I need a couple different sized blades?
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