Hey guys, I've been doing leatherwork for a fair while now, and I've made a few sheaths and right now I'm working on a project for a wrist cuff. One thing that's always bothered me is that the edges of my leather is sharp, rather than rounded, I've tried using light sandpaper, but it doesn't seem to help much. I seem to recall somebody mentioning something about an "edging knife", however I can't seem to find the topic again, and a google search hasn't helped much either. I plan on going to Tandy tomorrow to pick up some leather and a few latches to have around, so I'll be sure to ask there too. So how exactly do I finish off the edges of a piece?
My next question involves stitching - specifcally with a stitching awl. I know how to use it, and I've been finishing off my stiching with it by running the end through the last stitch, then tying it in a knot, like you would a regular needle and thread, on both sides. However this doesn't exactly look... well good. Am I doing this wrong? Is there another method any of y'all out there like to use? Or is that simply how it's done?
In regards to dying a piece of leather ( and yes, I know there's a million and one ways to go about it ), what's the simplist and easiest way? With a brush I'd assume? Also, should I dye it before or after I tool/stamp and or stitch it? I've seen conflicting posts, saying it's a good idea to dye it before I stich it, and punch my holes.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!