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Ryan Mitchell

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Everything posted by Ryan Mitchell

  1. Damn this has been a good week! going to the Ordeal in a little bit for Netopalis Sipo Schipinachk Lodge, Longhorn Council - BSA's last Ordeal of the year (I believe...) and then its back home to try out some new Leather Working techniques!

    1. WinterBear


      Have fun! I just was at my Lodge's Fall Ordeal.

    2. Ryan Mitchell

      Ryan Mitchell

      Awesome! It was a great ordeal, wasn't too hot, but went smooth and got a lot done for the camps

  2. Try molding your leather in a plastic bag, I don't know how exactly you are "Pre-molding" your holsters, but I have found if I put my leather in a bag, or under a sheet of plastic/ vinyl or something that it doesn't leave a tool mark. It sounds like what is happening is when the rubber is stretching around your leather on the mold, that it is expanding, and when it contracts it is grabbing the leather. Using a thin smooth plastic layer should take out the direct rubbing, kinda like washers or moleskin.
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