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Everything posted by Johnniga

  1. Thanks Wiz, I'll get in touch with them. I am amazed by the way this "Leathercraft Community" works. Thanks again. Regards
  2. I would love to have it. i saved the file with extension xls, but I can't open it. Any suggestions? Thanks
  3. Hello everybody. I just got an old 29K71 (serial # suggests built in 1952) from a friend who had it years ago from an old cobbler. The guy never used it and the old cobbler is gone, so there's no live aid I can get. I bought manuals on-line, they are very clear and well done, but not of much help in my case. The machine looks beautiful and runs smoothly but I can't get stiches as long as they should be. The clamp that sets the stitch length is all the way down, it is supposed to be set at 5 stitches per inch, but stitches are barely 3/32" . Advise would be MUCH appreciated. Regards
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