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Everything posted by AMMO

  1. thanks guys. AMMO = American Made & Mfgd. Only
  2. Oddly enough, this is my first got at a bigger bag, but I've always wanted to do one. Finally got someone to ask me to make one for them.
  3. That's just a backgrounding stamp. You can find them at any leather store.
  4. I use water but I try to make sure that certain brushes are used for light colors, certain brushes for dark colors,and certain brushes for black.
  5. on this project I used only dyes and a tan antique so you can't dye it black first if you want to have it be a different color. You can use a dauber on the larger areas but you pretty much have to use a paint brush for the details.
  6. Right on. Have at it. Skulls and roses aren't copyrighted haha.
  7. Whipped this bad boy together in my spare time over the course of the last week. Kind of a Day of the Dead theme trucker/biker wallet.
  8. Compete pan up seat build, including seat pan fabrication.
  9. Thanks a bunch. It was a tough build. Had to re-engineerthe whole seat.
  10. Made this seat and passenger pad up for a Coast Guard Officer's Bourgets.
  11. Well, it's really a mish-mash. 5-6 oz Hermann Oak for the tooling, pigskin and the stock Harley vinyl for the rest.
  12. Guy dropped off the stock seat and backrest last Monday and gave me a deadline of Friday. Then he didn't pick the damn thing up until Saturday. Too much stitching. Tooling was fun though.
  13. Very carefully placed staples and the stock hardware that was already on the seat.
  14. Just finished this up for a chopper build. The builder was stoked - hopefully the customer is as well.
  15. Thanks guys. Yeah, it was a pretty tough project, and since it was my first one there was a lot of experimenting. It's not like re-skinning a stock harley seat where stapling everythign to the bottom is a piece of cake. I had to really work to get the leather attached to the underside of the seat. It was a fun little project though.
  16. I like to use pigskin. Its plyable and strong, but still natural.
  17. I figure this is as good a place as any to post this.
  18. Thanks Stewart. I just try to do what the customer asks me to. I appreciate the kind words though, from both you and olds cool.
  19. Thanks for all the kind words. I had fun with the design and tooling but hand stitching that son of a bitch back together was a pain in the ass.
  20. Slapped this one together for a co-worker at my "day job" for her boyfriend. She's pretty stoked about it.
  21. Thanks man. You've got some pretty sick stuff yourself.
  22. I slapped this trucker wallet together. All it needs is a chain.
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