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Everything posted by ivarian

  1. hy to everyone I've started my second leatherwork. It's a seat for my firend's shovel. This's the pattern and Now I'm starting to carv the lether P.S. Tank's Theobald for your precious suggests
  2. Hy Clair You're right it's a Christians (Xianleather) seat I've sorted out with this tool
  3. right cyber P.S. I like your bike:specool:
  4. Tank's to all I'll try to find a toll that you've suggested me ,,,,,,,,but in Italy there aren't so many dealer for leatherwork. Ivan
  5. Tank's Pete:thumbsup:
  6. Hy mates I've a question? Which tool has been used for this
  7. Hy Mates I'd like to show you my first leatherwork. I've realized a pad pillon passenger for my sporty. Here some photos [Pattern URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/594/photo0108g.jpg/][/url] Wood shape for modelling leather Painting Just finished On my bike
  8. Thanks Bob Pdf saved Very useful Regards
  9. Hello Mates For first sorry for my english. My name is Ivan and I'm living in Genoa. I've found this website during my research, because there isn't anything as your site in Italy. I'm beginnig to approach at this hobby or work. Thank's for your interesting tutorials. Regards
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