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Everything posted by ivarian

  1. Hy to all Does anyone a tutorial to make this? Thanks Ivan
  2. Hy to all I've tried to make an helmet with 8oz vegtan leather This is what i've sorted out
  3. Hy mates... There's a mosquitoes on my desk....
  4. Thanks to all I've emailed clay miller......the delivery cost to italy is 25 $ not so expensive but I know there is an additional italy tax.....its a problem around 30% too much .....
  5. Hy to all I need to improve my toolset with tandy pro series Wich of them do you suggest me to realize a good sheridanstyle craftwork I need for sure a small beveler Could someone give me a partnumber to obtain that? As usual sorry for my english Have a gday Ivan Italy
  6. Hy mate Whats news in OZ ,,miss VB and Barbie Ok anyway In agreement with the customer It will be painted in two tones ........ fiebings pro oil black and antique black paste Ivan
  7. Looks great man I can't believe I've made a similar one We have to pay the copyright drawing's author(D.Vincente) :-))
  8. Hey man What's new? Has not been easy to do but I believe it's looks great. Ivan
  9. Looks great man Which color have you used for?
  10. Thanks Cyber The second one I've used a little screwdriver
  11. To finish my work I'm using Fiebings snowproof , the best way to prevent bleeding it's applying that on warm leather, I'm quite satysfied for now.
  12. Thanks KateI I've had some problem of bleeding with antique because I've used that on a bike's seat, I'd like to use a fiebings snow proof to prevent this problem Ivan
  13. Hy Ben Sorry I don't have a picture but anyway I've stretched the leather and than I've blocked it with some rivets. Ivan PS nice children
  14. hy Cjartist I've applyed just a coat of neatsfoot oil and the finished with Aussie Conditioner, than it's a look of a natural leather Ivan
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