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Everything posted by JME1979

  1. I just wanted to saw thanks to all the message by reply and pm's for all the compliments about this bag. I am pretty proud of if myself. I am trying to make a name for myself so if you like my work on this bag feel free to click the like button for it. Thank you all again. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=421218237892940&set=a.351799781501453.102320.349767931704638&type=1&theater
  2. I got a 1948 mail bag in and it was in need of some restoration. The bag was way too big at 21 inches wide, so I trimmed it down, restored it, replaced thread, and copper rivets. I also replaced the gusset since the original was no longer any good. I think I'll keep but I do wonder what someone would pay for this bag now. Here are some before and after pictures.
  3. Thanks, hey rickkybobbie I use to have an etsy shop where I sold my products too but , but the quality of my products came into question when other sellers were reporting me thinking I was a reseller of manufactured goods. In the end I lost my shop since etsy said they could not be sure. I didn't know whether to be upset or not. Does that mean my items look that good? lol. I need to find another photographer for my stuff because my personal site is all phone camera pics.
  4. I'm not very good at tooling, but I like them. And my replica J. Crew Mail Bag For my pouches I use a 1951 Singer 201-02 And for my bag I use a Tippmann
  5. I do leather work for a living. It has taken me 6 years to get where I am now and I'm averaging at around 30,000 a year in sales not profit. But I have to go out and get it. Only $5,000 in sales and year come in through my site from random customers. Everything else I have to hunt down for. I mostly do costume pieces and join many costume forums. I look for pieces that are in need by many, create one, and offer them. I do runs of around 10 at a time. Then move onto another item at another forum giving time before I come back and do the same item so that the item will gain interest with new members who will need it. I have mostly been charging the cost x 4 plus shipping. Each sale is anywhere from $10 - $200. So in one run I make around $100-$2000. Which can take me up to 2 weeks to complete. I am still hoping to find some shops locally or wherever for consignment stuff but haven't found any yet.
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