Hi folks, I'm new here but have been doing leather work off and on for about 30 years. I got interested in making my own stamping tools after visiting Ellis Barnes many years ago. I have made a number of different ones, including geometrics, pear shaders, basket weaves, flower centers, etc. Most of these are either from stainless steel bolts or nails from the hardware store. I have decided to try to work out a way to knurl the handles but I don't have a metal lathe. I do have a couple of drill presses, one a bench top and the other is a floor stander. If any of you have an idea about how to do this I would be much obliged. I have checkering and other files but am not much of a machinist. I remember Ellis had what seemed like a little machine on a table top that did it but that was back around 1990. Years ago (around 1970)I made a lot of duty belts and holsters and cuff cases for the Sheriff's Office in Phoenix where I worked, but now most of my work is just for friends and family.