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Everything posted by kayw

  1. I have a friend who is a "railroad nut" has a large miniature railroad set up all throughout his back yard twice a year free for the neighborhood. He and I have discussed my making him a leather pants belt with railroad figure carving. Problem is, I need to come up with a pattern rather than make my own as I am short on artistic ability in the figure carving area. The belt would be non-tapered and probably in the area of 1 1/2" wide. Where is Al Stohlman when we need him? Would appreciate any ideas or suggestions. KayW P.S. would also like to find a RR theme'd buckle.
  2. Thanks Ben, and I appreciate the advice on getting the better quality tool as opposed to the knockoff. I will be starting with the standard version as my main purpose will be just trying to hang on to the tool and keep it in the same position. This seems to be most important thing when working with some of the geometric tools. All the best, KayW
  3. Thanks mucho Elton, I'll try to locate one. I can see that this site will be quite a resource.
  4. Gender is Male (and I don't have pigtails!)

  5. Hi folks, I'm new here but have been doing leather work off and on for about 30 years. I got interested in making my own stamping tools after visiting Ellis Barnes many years ago. I have made a number of different ones, including geometrics, pear shaders, basket weaves, flower centers, etc. Most of these are either from stainless steel bolts or nails from the hardware store. I have decided to try to work out a way to knurl the handles but I don't have a metal lathe. I do have a couple of drill presses, one a bench top and the other is a floor stander. If any of you have an idea about how to do this I would be much obliged. I have checkering and other files but am not much of a machinist. I remember Ellis had what seemed like a little machine on a table top that did it but that was back around 1990. Years ago (around 1970)I made a lot of duty belts and holsters and cuff cases for the Sheriff's Office in Phoenix where I worked, but now most of my work is just for friends and family.
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