Thank you humperdingle. I didn't take a picture of the lacing but I'm working on another
one and I'll gladly post a picture of the front and back once it's finished. Thank you.
Thank's RaeNae for the compliment. I'm also a big fan of the Day of the Dead style of artwork. Once again thank you. Oh one more thing I'll look into the May challenge and see if I can make some time to join, thanks for he invite.
Thank you benlilly1,
I appreciate your kind words. I really love your work. I eventually would like to work my way up to making a seat for the chopper that I am building, so I'll be asking you for some pointers soon. LOL. Once again thank you.
Thank you ReneeCanady,
I really appreciate the kind words. I admire your work and especially loved the Market place handbag you made, it is awesome. Once again thank you.