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Posts posted by Jax

  1. I like my awl to pretty well match the prickmark if it is too small it will be easy to make your hole in either the top or bottom of the mark if you are not carefull, making your stitching look untidy.

    My preference is a small mark & small stitches but that's just me its a personal thing everyone is different. I would give Dixons a call & see if they will make things right for you, as I said earlier in this post it's been a good few years since I dealt with them & things may have changed. I never saw how the tools were modified, they used to just take a stock item off into the workshop, a few minutes later they would return with a hot, modified tool which was then wrapped carefully in oiled brown paper, the guys there in those days were lovely.

    I really hope they make things right for you.

  2. I also had bad luck with Tandy's "superior" calf lace, mainly dark brown, the last spool was returned this week & I am waiting to hear back from them, I live in the UK & have difficulty in sourcing lace which is why I keep going back to Tandy in the vain hope that the last spool was just a bad one. I don't think we have a supplier for kangaroo lace so will have to import it which makes me think hard if its worth it as sometimes the cost of materials alone can add up to as much or even more than some items can be sold for.

  3. Hi Damoomad, I think you'll struggle to find a decent 45K for that sort of money & Adlers are usually much more expensive, the only guy I can think of off hand is Hartley Sewing machines in Walsall, he repairs & deals with leather machinery all the time he is very good & knowledgeable....but he's not cheap, sorry I don't have any contact details.

  4. Hi Leatherstrap1, no the machine I used wasn't in such nice condition as yours it belonged to Colt Saddlery, I used to go in there from time to time when I was at college in Walsall & sometimes machined rubber rein grips on with the Pilot, as I remember it was a lovely machine to use but a pig to thread up, we used to leave an end from the thread being used & tie the new thread to that & pull it through to the needle. I am sure you will love yours & I am glad its found a good home.

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