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  • Location
    pittsburgh pa.
  • Interests
    challanging projects, the thinking out of the box items , bags, garment,drinking horns

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    leashes, collars,belts, special projects
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    leather works one can never learnit all
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  1. Wizcrafts How I wish i had one found this site 3 yrs ago and read what ive just drooled over for the last 2 hours your knowledge on machines is overwhelming and i will have to reread it all again to take some more in. I in thinking when i first started would i needed a machine so thru some ill call bad advice purchsed a boss (im told im the only person who had a boss replaced ever) the replacement lasted 6 months with me before i sold it on ebay and waved farewell to all its headaches. A manual machine was very very wrong for me being disabled i had horrible problems holding my leather and working a hand crank. Im about to start hunting an electric machine in a month or two and thanks to your advice here will infulence that purchase. A question that is troubling me is the thickness that the electric machines can muster ive seen 3/8s 7/8s and 3/4s thrown around frequently. My norm is using 8-9 oz leather, tripled at worst. Which would best suite the daily use? know you probably said this already sorry its a whole lot to take in in one sitting.Especially when youve gone down that wrong road once before. Thank You Joe
  2. Wizcrafts How I wish i had one found this site 3 yrs ago and read what ive just drooled over for the last 2 hours your knowledge on machines is overwhelming and i will have to reread it all again to take some more in. I in thinking when i first started would i needed a machine so thru some ill call bad advice purchsed a boss (im told im the only person who had a boss replaced ever) the replacement lasted 6 months with me before i sold it on ebay and waved farewell to all its headaches. A manual machine was very very wrong for me being disabled i had horrible problems holding my leather and working a hand crank. Im about to start hunting an electric machine in a month or two and thanks to your advice here will infulence that purchase. A question that is troubling me is the thickness that the electric machines can muster ive seen 3/8s 7/8s and 3/4s thrown around frequently. My norm is using 8-9 oz leather, tripled at worst. Which would best suite the daily use? know you probably said this already sorry its a whole lot to take in in one sitting.Especially when youve gone down that wrong road once before. Thank You Joe
  3. Thank You Art you pegged a problem ive had with strops ive made in the past never heard of oiling the leather before to help the compound to adhere. Theve always came out blotchy, high and low spots where the compounds thick or thin. Will have to rework the ones i have so they are usefull. Thanks Again Joe
  4. Both ponies are great looking & sure beats my using a couple of cd cases and a desk drawer in a desparate pinch. Does the curved jaw give more support than the flat ? Thinking of all my woodworker freinds now to send the plans to for a trade ! Thanks
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