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  1. Thanks for the replies! It was machine stitched. Recently bought a cobra class 3. Worth every freakin penny!!I’m still learning the machines tips and tricks but I had no idea how nice it would be to not hand stitch. The ejection port looks very deep, but really it’s not too bad. Because of the shark it looks deeper I assume. I used a burnishing tool to get it to look deeper kind of flattened the shark texture during the process. I currently don’t use a poundo board. I use my great grandpas 250lb anvil I cover the top in leather to not hurt the tools I also work in the paint industry so I powder coated the anvil with the deepest gloss black available to keep her looking perfect for another 100+ years
  2. Haven’t been on here in a while! Super busy with day job. Just finished this up the other day. Owb glock 19 holster with a little shark skin trim. Customer wanted a little shine to it. Usually I like more subtle gloss. I love working with shark. Thanks for looking, please critique away with ways I can improve. Mill start by saying I usually hate my belt loop holes. I think I’ll buy a belt loop hole punch I saw once. That should make them more uniform.
  3. I only do flat back as well. Love the way they ride. Also don't know why people say not as tight because I've had a few that turned out way to tight lol
  4. Sorry I don't. But it's just a simple piece of leather sewn on for a belt loop maybe 2" wide and long enough for a 1 3/4" belt.
  5. Haven't posted in a while so here is a simple belt sheath for a Grayman satu I just finished the other day.
  6. I don't have a pattern. But for that mag I would wet mold the top first. Then when dry cut to a rough shape. Then take back piece and lay it out. Sew on a piece for belt loop then glue. After glue I sew the 2 pieces and get final shape. Then fold over the top flap and add your snaps. Sorry forgot to say probably best to add the snap to the molded piece before glue. If you make your flap extra long you can add that snap after its sewn together so you know exactly where to put it. Hope that helps.
  7. Thanks for the tips! I'm ordering supplies this weekend!
  8. Hi, I don't have Internet sincere moved out of town and searching is difficult with only having my iPhone. Anyway I want to try a new to me technique. I was inspired by a pic I saw in here he called it apocalyptical I think? I like the coloring that was used looks almost weathered. I think that it is the same technique for a lot of tooling also. All around color with darker impressions? I have made a few patterns I like but I only know how to dye the entire project. So I know I need some antique gel or paste and a resist? I found black antique gel on Springfield website but don't know what resist to buy and how to apply both? End result I want would be an all colored project with the impressions a dif shade. I prefer black. Is there a way to do black impressions with a lighter black or grey everything else? Also i currently use fiebings oil dye and a 50/50 mix of mop n glow and water that I learned here and works awesome! Tha is for the help and your time!!!
  9. Don't know If it's right or wrong but an old timer told me try 346 thread so I did. So at I like hand stitching with it. Maybe a little slippery but u get used to it. Very strong!
  10. I got a big spool of it and have been using it for hand stitching. Been workin very well. Here's a pic of it dyed black
  11. So I was asked to make a g21 pancake holster. But I only have a g17. I looked up the specs. The g21 is 3 mm wider 1 mm taller and a few mm longer. Do u think molding the g17 not so tight ' would be OK for a tight fit g21 holster? Or should I not even try it? Thanks a lot for the help!
  12. Thanks for all the help! My next one will def be better
  13. Another good tip! Thank you and I will!
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