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Posts posted by PD186

  1. I am in the process of making a "name type belt" and wanted to know if there is a trick to keeping the lettering even.

    The problems I can see is that I will be using the same stamp in a row so I can't line up the next stamp on the one before and keeping the stamps in the middle of the belt and not going off to one side.

    Also should you stamp the name then a border around it or border first?

    One project may not have a border I am not sure yet.

    Thanks for your help


  2. I started a couple of little projects but got myself down as I was making little mistakes but I recently got stamping step 2 book and had a close look at the projects and noticed that the same mistakes that I have made were in the book. This got me thinking about it and I suddenly realised that it is these imperfections in my work that make it special and not mass produced.

    With this new outlook on leathercraft I have again started with some small projects and I am very pleased with how it is going.

    So anyone starting don't get down if you stuff up it is the best way to learn how to do it right.

  3. What tools do you have, the basic 7? (swivel knife, camouflage, seeder, pear shader, beveler etc)

    You can do just about anything with the basic 7 which comes with most beginner leathercraft kits.

    If not, you can always do a geometric design around the border with the stamps that you do have, and maybe carve and mat down an initial or a symbol in the center. That's how I made my first coasters :)

    I have the basic stamps tools and swivel knife modler tool that came with the starter kit and I have been building up my collection with other tools that make it easer and better finish ,square rule dividers ect.

  4. Thanks for this great info I have been wetting the leather rather than casing it and after trying your way I am getting a much better result.

    I had a look but havn't been able to find if you had a good way of backing a larger piece of leather that is to be stamped or carved that can be cased using the same way.



  5. Thanks for the welcome

    I have had a look around and there is some great stuff but I was looking for some ideas to practice on but could not find much.

    Any suggestions on easy projects would be great as I am going to the local leather craft suppler on the weekend to get some offcuts for practice.

    I have a idea for a round coaster that I would like to try but I think it may be a little hard with limited tools what do you think?

    Yes I need to clean it up a little but you will get the idea of what I want to do.


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