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Everything posted by siegeandspike

  1. Thanks for that, I was not aware that we had anything like that in WA.
  2. That looks really good. It never occured to me that a sewing machine would leave marks on the surface of the leather. Am I right in guesing that the machine punches the holes through the leather? The holes almost seem too big for the size of thread. Would the holes tighten up?
  3. Cool. Where do you get your supplies? (I use Tandy and Western Leathercraft)
  4. Hello 'Silverback'! I am also SOR. What sort of stuff do you make?
  5. Thanks for the comments guys. Much appreciated. The price of the glass slicker seems pretty steep for what it is? Is there an alternative to buying a glass slicker? I went over my stitching with an overstitcher and then tapped it down with a mallet.
  6. Thanks Caroline. Lets try that again.....
  7. Some pictures of 3 knife sheaths that I recently completed. Plus one wrist guard. I wanted to try different styles and different methods of how the sheath would attach to a belt. These are the first sheaths of their kind that I have made. I have only been doing leatherwork for a few months in odds and ends of free time (have made less than 10 projects so far!). Any feedback would be appreciated, especially if it is nice!!!!! Sorry the pictures blow up so big. If anyone knows how to make them appear smaller, let me know and I will change them.
  8. If anyone knows how to fix that, let me know!
  9. Hello! My name is Chris and I am very new to Leatherwork - been going less than 6 months. I am from Perth, Western Australia. I am a knife collector and a wood carver (whittler). I have looked at a lot of the posts on this site over the last couple of months or so, but this is the first time that I am posting. I originally started doing leatherwork because I wanted to make sheaths for 2 knives that I made. I have completed my first few projects, most of which are displayed on Deviantart - Username SiegeandSpike - http://siegeandspike.deviantart.com/ I am really getting into making small cases for various knives/tools at the moment. I am loving every second of it! :D I wish that I could do this for a living! Dream job! Attached is a picture of a small sheath that I made for my 'Buck Scholar'. It is only a couple of inches long. It has a small Tandy belt clip and a this leather (off an old leather chair!) lining to protect the knife from the clip. Feel free to shoot any hints/tips my way Wow, when you click on the thumbnail, that picture turns out crazy big. Sorry about that.
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