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Everything posted by avimeso

  1. im not sure how to measure what you are talking about. there is a bar at the back of the needle that doesn't move that the roller foot is clamped onto with a screw.
  2. Hey im after some feet for my sewing machine. any ideas I was told by adler in australia they don't make the parts anymore.
  3. hey was just wondering if the reverse on a machine is suppose to hit the same holes as forward. I have a problem with my bobin dropping a ugly looking deposit of cotton if I put it in reverse, it also hits half the size stich as forward. I have found if I manually reverse it in the same holes as forward there is no mess. Any suggestions?
  4. thanks im going to give #12 a go. according to the needle guide on this forum 200x25 is the right size for that thread, id just need leather point needles. apparently you can't run #8 in both top and bottom.
  5. Hi i handsew leather with 0.8mm poly waxed hand sewing thread. Was after a machine thread that will look pretty similar. Would that be a 8 or a 12? Also would i be better with 200/25 or 230/26? Machine is a adler 205-6 and will only be used to sew leather.
  6. where would a 133k8 fit in against these machines?
  7. http://bit.ly/ZMC2Er That's the machine
  8. theres a machine here called 205-6... i found out it does about 6mm. i decided its not heavy duty enough for me. i want a 3/4 inch one but they go for like 3500+ here
  9. anyone know what these machines are equal too? Im after something that can sew up breastplates and western bridle browbands. was going to buy a singer 45k/25. which machine is better? do they sew the same thickness?
  10. Hey guys I might be buying a singer k6 tomoz a black one. I do saddlery only strapping really. Would like to use it for some strapping but not sure what I can. I handsew everything at the moment. Just was wondering what kind of leatherwork it should be able to do. Someone just told me there bad for leather. I know they are good for mending rugs. What thickness will they go through?
  11. anyone got one there willing to part with?
  12. pm price bruce
  13. this skirting leather was 6-10mm in thickness. the strap cutter blade just broke everytime or the strap wasnt straight. However i used the strap cutter on 4mm bridle leather the other day and it worked great. So im guessing for cutting your heavy duty herman oak cutting style reins a plough gauge is the best.
  14. bought some US leather skirting leather a while back was very heavy 10mm. my strap cutter wouldnt touch it. friends dixon plough gauge did it easy. was wondering if a osbourne draw gauge would handle. was cutting 5/8 straps. Also will a draw gauge cut 5/8 straps out of heavy herman oak? I know most people use ploughs here, but wasnt sure if it was just preference. ie going forward or drawing. thanks!
  15. Hi im from Australia. After a 2nd hand leather splitter in good condition. pref osbourne or dixon.
  16. Hi i've been looking the internet for a western breastplate (I think Americans call them martingales or breast collars) pattern to make for my horse but had no luck. Can anyone on here help me? thx
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