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Chaka Zulu

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Everything posted by Chaka Zulu

  1. I'm making a document folder for a friend, with her initials (GW) carved in. I've found the script and can cut out fairly nicely with the swivel knife. Question is, how to bevel? The lettering is a single cut (ie not a raised letter), essentially using the swivel knife as a pen. So do I double bevel or just pick a side and bevel that?
  2. I'm planning to do a mystery braid in various colours, including white. I can't find any white dye so have ordered white leather paint. Is paint likely to survive the braiding process or will it crack off? Any hints for how to improve my chances?
  3. My friend has a vintage pigskin suitcase that has got mouldy (before she bought it). Any suggestions for removing the mould and restoring the leather?
  4. Sorry to comment on a really old post, but I'm a touch confused: "The toe of the beveler is placed against the cut line, with the handle held straight up,but leaning slightly awayfromthe direction of travel. This will reduce the tool marks in the bevel and minimize the point of the toe from digging intoan unbeveled portion. The toe of the beveler is placed against the cut line, with the handle held straight up, but leaning slightly in the direction of travel. This will reduce the tool marks in the bevel." So do I lean it towards or away from the direction of travel?
  5. Been there, done that! Made a sheepskin vest and after carefully cutting it out I realised it was going to have two left chest panels!Thanks for the info. I guess a hide will make two pairs then.
  6. Been reading for months but this is my first post... I'm looking at making some chaps for riding (horses, not motorbikes). I've found all sorts of useful instructions but one thing I can't find is how much leather I'll need. I'm going for full length practical chaps in a latively lightweight leather, 2 pairs. Wondering whether to go for Tandy's current offer of £100 for a hide that they describe as being tanned for upholstery but ideal for chaps... Thanks in advance Dan
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