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Everything posted by korokan

  1. I talk to Flebings cause they are the manufacturer about this. I have the same problem. They told me to send a sample and I never did. Tehy are saying they never heard of such thing. I have read in a lot of forum that this thing happens. There should be no specail techinique you have to go though to make it stick.If you check the demo on Tandy leather it says you burnish the edges then apply edge kote . In my experience you have to apply edge dye then burnish it which is against the instruction that they had.I saw in some video by other people that the burnishing has to be done last .
  2. Hi, I am new to this site and been working on a leather belt. Hello everybody.
  3. Hi, I am new to this site and been working on a leather belt. Hello everybody.
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