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Posts posted by Texlee

  1. Hello All,

    I'm fairly new to leather working so bear with me please. I've made a couple holsters, sheaths and roping cuffs but I'm looking at trying out my hand at jackets now.

    I was watching the movie Hidalgo the other day and i really liked the heavy coat that viggo was wearing at the beginning and the lighter jacket through out the rest of the movie.

    Now my question are: 1. What would you guys suggest that these be made out of? I was thinking a lighter weight elkhide. maybe elk hide split for the winter coat.

    2. how is the best way to sew elk or deer hide?

    I'd like to modify the lighter jacket design by putting a collar on it as well like this coat from another great western post-33592-011522800 1343693965_thumb.jp

    lighter jacket

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    I was thinking about using coyote as the fur on this coat. what would be the best way to attach it to the coat sewing wise?post-33592-064464300 1343693778_thumb.jp

    I was also going to line the coat with a light wool blanket material like in the movie post-33592-013517900 1343693744_thumb.jp

    heavy coat

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    Any and all help will be greatly appreciated!



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