I'm selling a Cobra C-4 leather sewing machine with electronic positioning. I've used it exactly once to test it out after I bought it 8 months ago. Needless to say, it's in brand new condition. For full specs please visit: http://www.leatherma...log.php?item=57. I'm also selling a new skiving machine: the Cobra NP-4, which I purchased with the C-4 sewing machine. For full specs please visit: http://www.leatherma...log.php?item=27. As it turns out, I will not be going into the leather business. They are large machines, so I will not be able to ship. I live in the Seattle area and you will need to pick them up if you want them. Priced to move: $2,100 for the sewing machine, $950 for the skiver. Perhaps less if you want both. Joel at (206) 310-3739.