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About Fatolbaldguy

  • Birthday April 5

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LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Knife Sheaths
  • Interested in learning about
    Holster making
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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Member (2/4)

  1. A few years ago I walked into an Amish harness shop in Intercourse PA. The nice couple sold me an antique hardware setting press. (I don’t really know what it’s called). It has some of the adapter doo dads in a compartment. Today I decider to try it. I works. Sort of. Snaps in leaves a dent on top but rivers work good. I’d love to know more about this little machine. If I never get it to work it still looks cool so no buyer’s remorse. If anyone knows anything about it I’d love to hear. It ha Pat 1900 on one side and son illegible lettering embossed on the other.
  2. Completed my first Top Hat. I used a lighter alligator rolled cowhide that Tandy was unloading cheap. I used Tom Barnells plans (sorta) Made some big boo boos but they are hard to see. The next one will be better!
  3. I am not a commercial leather worker. I'm just a duffer hobbiest. The stuff I make, besides the accasional gift, is for my own use or to see if I can do it. You should see my drawer of spectacular failures. If I build a bowler chances are it will be one or two tops. So I think a big investment in stuff will have to wait. Maybe I will try the block of wood belt sander idea.
  4. by the way the AA battery idea is one I had not heard Thank you
  5. i saw a video on youtube where a Brooklyn NY hat maker bought a thrift shop hat whose crown he liked . He sprayed it with size and then cut out all the inside crap. Then after greasing the inside with Pam he filled it with automotive foam. it dried hard and after sanding it he used it to make felt hats for ladies. I cheered after watching the video. There are so many clever people in the world. I am now on the hunt for a cheap bowler.
  6. I want to make this. I am looking for a cheap bowler with which to make a block. I see that the artist made a correction or relief point that he/she disguised as decoration.. Anyone have any insights?
  7. I have no idea how I double posted this
  8. While looking for project ideas I saw a picture of a canvass messenger bag with a leather strap, leather belt style latches and leather reinforced corners. It looks very Indiana Jones esk. I have a sewing machine that can do the canvass and the leather I can do by hand as always. How would all you old salts go about recreating a pattern for something like this? Thanks.
  9. While looking for project ideas I saw a picture of a canvass messenger bag with a leather strap, leather belt style latches and leather reinforced corners. It looks very Indiana Jones esk. I have a sewing machine that can do the canvass and the leather I can do by hand as always. How would all you old salts go about recreating a pattern for something like this? Thanks.
  10. I got a Singer 99K. Its a cool machine. After researching my new machine I think I did pretty good.
  11. Cloth. For linings like satin and cloth hat covers on crusher type hats. Maybe the fine leather use for hat band but I think I could do that by hand.
  12. I have been thinking of trying my hand at some leather hat making. I am wondering if buying a regular run of the mill sewing machine for linings combination cover tops etc would be a good idea? I love toys and if it has a motor and a cord I tend to go off half cocked. Your opinions would be appreciated.
  13. I think I made a mistake. I dyed my belt on both sides. I noticed that the dye is rubbing off on my jeans. No biggie cause I always wear a belt. But I realized that the shoulder holster I am building is also dyed inside and out. Dye on my shirts is another story! I user Freiburg ?? I'd that right? Medium brown. Am I screwed ? Or is there a remedy? Thanks
  14. I love your seats. I would love to see how it's done.
  15. I have been looking for military insignia and rateing badges. Are such things available as leather stamps? I am especially interested in a ships wheel.
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