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Posts posted by Skwerl

  1. Not everyone agrees but I learned many years ago when building homes and doing many decorative items in wood plus other materials, you never ever let anyone

    have ownership of a screwed up piece of work. That covers freebies or less than normal price points.

    My .02


    I agree 100%. It only takes one bad piece to make people think you make crap. Don't take the chance.

  2. Well I have been asking in several forums and sites. What glue is best for filigree and stone setting with leather? For which, I received no great or consistent answer.

    So I took the glues mentioned most often (except Master's Contact only because I didn't have it and no local supplier as well) Super Glue Future Gel, E6000, Barge & Leathercraft.

    The first test was glue two 11mm Paula Shell stones with each glue to 5oz vegtan. Then allow 24 hours of dry time.

    I then determined a series of tests: flex, fold, roll & impact.

    -Flex was simple twisting of the leather end to end.

    -Fold was folding the leather both vertical and horizontal along the entire piece of leather.

    -Roll was rolling the leather end to end, both vertically and horizontally.

    impact was literally slapping the leather against my work table both stones down and stones up.

    All of these were repeated many times.

    The Results:

    Super Glue Future Gel - was applied to stone back then pressed into leather. Failed the very first test which was the flex test. They popped off like little rockets.

    E6000 - was applied to stone back. Then pressed to leather. This glue worked well. Had a little stone lifting, but they felt secure and couldn't be easily pulled off with fingers. Fume exposure can cause kidney damage

    Barge - was applied to both leather and stone backing. Allowed to dry for 10 mins and then applied to each other. Barge did great was some minor edge lifting to stones. Stones felt secure and could not be easily pulled off leather with fingers.

    Leather craft - was applied to stone back and pressed into leather. There was significant edge lifting to stones. They still felt secure and could not be easily pulled from leather with fingers.

    Personally I would pick Barge or E6000. Both did equally well with slight stone edge seperation, but secure hold.

    Sorry for any grammar sentence weirdness. I added this from my phone.


  3. Howdy folks,

    I want to start doing some filagree work on wallets backed with snake or alligator. I'm not sure as to which glue to use though. Barge is a two part glue (glue goes on both pieces till dry. Then pressed together.) So that probably won't work so great. So I would love to hear suggestions and or previous success stories.

    Thanks Mike

  4. Skwerl, sorry you're having trouble, I think you will find that your order is being processed and you'll get it. You didn't indicate where you are, if you're over seas it could take some time to get them to you. I've bought tools from Barry King for years and he doesn't communicate well, I'll agree but he does deliver and it is very high quality merchandise. I placed an order around the same time, not sure of the date, as I said above and the tools were delivered within 5 days, I think it was more like 3. I would call on Monday, they probably won't be in today or this weekend because of Thanksgiving, but they should be back to work on Monday and they are in the Mountain Time Zone as noted above.


    It's all good. I sent him an email. I have a lot of Barry's tools and the quality is impeccable for a decent price. If I have to wait a bit it is ok. I probably just ordered some odd balls he didn't have any stock in. I'm in Florida by the way.

  5. Does anyone, and I mean anyone. Know of any retailer with Robert Beard Swivel Knives in stock? I'm looking for one but I'm down at the tip of Florida far from Robert's neck of the woods. I sent an email to Robert and no word back. I know he is busy, but that doesn't reduce my desire for a knife. Not to mention the wait once the order is placed. Any and all help is appreciated.

    Thanks MIke

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