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    Making leather masks, hats, etc. specifically steampunk
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  1. Thanks a lot for your replies, I read through as much as I could... It seems a bit overwhelming. I know Tandy Leather's basic leathercraft kit is on sale now, do you think that would be a good place to start rather than from scratch?
  2. Thanks a bunch for replying. All of this looks useful, so I'll definitely look those over more thoroughly when i get the chance.
  3. Hello everybody, I've been thinking of getting into leather working as a hobby, but also to fulfill my obsession with steampunk things. I have no idea where to start though. I would like to develop the skills necessary to make really cool steampunk masks, bracers, belts, hats, etc. but I don't mind starting small. Can you guys help me figure out what I need to get started? What tools should I get and what kind of leather? I do have a fairly low budget, can I get started with less than fifty dollars, or will I have to save up more before I can even start? Thanks in advance
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