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    Leatherwork, tattooing, barrel racing, riding my Harley.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Western tack, wallets, purses, and more.
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Stumbled across it

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  1. may I ask what you mean by being careful when pulling up the bobbin thread? Is there something different ya need to do when pulling it up? thank you I know this is an old post but I’m looking at a juki 563 at the moment
  2. Hey everyone, so I’ve been sewing tack and other big projects on my cobra 4 and hand sewing my smaller projects like leather patches on hats, purses, shoes and wallets. But the demand for the smaller items has grown to where I need a smaller more versatile machine for these items. I’m not sure what to get but am considering a post machine. Can any of you give me your thoughts and recommendations? Thanks in advance. cheers, Marcella Rae
  3. I realize it’s been many years since you posted this. But could you send me the links? They aren’t active anymore from your post. thank you!! knockoutleatherspdx@gmail
  4. i have found that what works for my painted nose bands is a product called Angelus brand acrylic finisher. it's water resistant, doesn't allow the paint to crack and leaves a nice high gloss finish to your paint and leather dyes. just make sure your paint has dried for at least 24 hours and apply with a good paint brush. don't allow it to puddle and use a very thin coat. hope this helps.
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