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Everything posted by stargazer1682

  1. I thought that might have been the case, but I wasn't sure. I looked at earlier posts and didn't see anything else they might have been referring to, and came so quickly after my first post, I wanted to make sure there wasn't any confusion. Thanks
  2. I don't know if the last post was regarding my question - I wasn't asking about changing the slider, I was asking about clarification on installing a whole zipper and the instructions in the PDF. Namely what it meant by pulling the end of the jacket away from the zipper when installing it; as well as what kind of sewing machine needle was needed for sewing on leather?
  3. This is great. I just bought a leather jacket that actually fits me from a secondhand store, but the zipper is going and needs to be replaced; so I'm glad I found this. Can anyone clarify the step where it says to take the bottom of the coat and pushing it away from the zipper? Also, what kind of sewing machine needle should be used for this? Thanks
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