Hi all. This is my first time posting, but I've been reading and learning for a while.
First off I'd like to say that I have much respect for learning a craft and/or trade and pursuing that as one's life.
I have not really worked with leather (thanks to this site I'm learning to, though). I am a clothing maker by trade and am drawn to the process of designing, sourcing inputs, and producing items that I feel have something to say. I love to work with my hands and enjoy the satisfaction of producing something of integrity, quality, and beauty. Although separated by traditions, craftspeople are not much different than the new maker movement (though much of their skills are technological).
When I purchase items it means a lot to me (as well as being well designed and constructed) to know where it came from, who had a hand in it's making, and about the inputs.
I had a clothing line (www.dieterbennet.com) and tried my best to adhere to these ideals. I have since started a new project and want to go even deeper into those ideals.
I work in fabric, and in that medium am very proficient. Although I'm learning leather, I fully understand that there will be other people that will have more skill at leather craft no matter how hard I work. I think this is a good thing, I love to connect with people that have deep knowledge and skill.
The hardest thing that I've run across is it's often very hard to find craftspeople. I think community building like leatherwork.net is crucial, but there are countless others not even hooked up to the net. It is my great dream to build a community of craftspeople in which we all work together to achieve great things. I see American micro-manufacturing as a great thing, and hope to be a part of it.
Anyway, just throwing comments out there. If you are like minded, or disagree please post up.