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Everything posted by kellykungfu

  1. Did you buy the chain made up that way or did you somehow piece it together? If you bought the chain made up that way could you share where you got it? Thanks in advance.
  2. Thanks for the info. I went to the store, little to my knowledge or web searches, to find such a great leather store in the SF bay area. Craig is the owner there and extremely helpful. I too purchased the Barbours linen but the 5 cord (seems like you go the last 6 cord). Hopefully this is the same Barbours linen that everyone is talking about. The price was very reasonable at 32 bucks a roll. If you go there tell him, Kelly sent ya.
  3. May I ask which store you got this from?
  4. Hi Everyone, Is there a general rule of thumb for diamond awl size to needle size and to thread? For example, should the diamond awl and the needle thickness be the same? Should the needle be twice as thick as the thread (since each hole should have two threads in it)? Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi Everyone, Great forum! I tried to search for this topic and did not find any exact answer. I'll like to make a belt soon and hand stitch it. If the belt is about 36 inches long, how much thread do need for the total project and how much per time? I think I read that the total length should be 3-4 times of the total length (depending on thickness of the leather) and no more than an arm length should be used at a time as all the pulling and tugging will wear out the thread nearest to the needle. Thanks, Kelly
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