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Everything posted by SteveSprout

  1. Anyone know where to get the plastic windows with the thumb hole for ID cases?
  2. What's the deal with getting quality, sharp awls for hand stitching? Tandy's are almost useless, dull right out the package. Osborne's are not much better, although they used to be good. I had to sharpen them extensively to use them. Does anybody have a source for good quality sharp diamond awls for hand stitching? Thanks, Steve
  3. Looking to purchase a copy of the book for my leather library. I already have I &II. Wasn't aware there was a III until working on a project with eagle patterns where the source was listed as Volume III. Thank you
  4. I am looking for a copy of Al Stohlmans Classic Patterns III. I have the first two and didn't know there was another until seeing a reference for a pattern there. Any help out there? Photo copies would work if I can get the book. Thanks. Steve
  5. In and out of leatherwork for years. Now need retirement income. Looking at the Cobra Class 4. Will be doing holsters, cases and the like. Any input? Thanks, SteveSprout
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