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About nGIN40

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/11/1971

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Soutern NJ
  • Interests
    I am very interested in learning the Craft of Leather tooling.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    none Just begining
  • Interested in learning about
    Belts, and any kind of Straps(Guitar, Radio) Etc.
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Reasearching about leather via google

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  1. Thank you. I couldn't have done it without your help and dwights . The outline in this one is pretty good I have since made others and the outlines aren't as impressive on some. It is tedious work like you said and I'm beginning to believe its the time of day that I work on them when some come out better than others.
  2. Hey I just wanted to share with you guys my first attempt at a radio strap here it is. I'm still having trouble with outlining the letters but I'm hoping to get better. Thanks for all your advice.
  3. I know this thread is old but this is the exact look I was looking for as well. If I may ask what did you mean by NOW APPLY THE WHITE WITH A SMALL PAINT BRUSH AND WIPE OFF WITH A DAMP SMOOTH PAPER TOWELL. THEN WIPE AGAIN.......... Im not really sure what we are wiping. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Bufordp I also am very new at this, after reading and at the suggestion of some on this forum I ordered some basic tool's and leather from springfield leather here is a link to their website http://springfieldleather.com/ The staff is extremely helpful. Give them a call they'll be happy to help you out. In my experience I found that they were very patient to answer my questions. Hope this helps Manny
  5. Thanks I read all the links. I really do appreciate it. Going to check a couple of local hardware stores tonight.
  6. I don't want to sound like the "new guy" either but what is green stroping compound and where can I get it?
  7. I would like to Thank everyone for their advice and help. This forum is great glad I found it.
  8. Ok so how would I dye in the small areas of the letters and symbols? A paint brush? do I not dye those parts with the black dye? I've read so much stuff I'm a little confused. I am for certain going to practice on scrap first before I try anything on a tooled project
  9. Thanks for the advice Dwight. The strap is 1 1/4 wide. I was thinking of using angelus acrylic paint because from what I read it holds up better your thoughts?
  10. Its a firefighting radio strap. It holds my walkie talkie. It will be used by me in conditions of High heat at times and sometimes be expose to water or the elements. The strap pictured was purchased about 2 years ago and has held up well. I just wish I knew their secrets so I could reproduce it for myself. I want the pride of saying I made my own around the Firehouse.
  11. Thanks for the replies. Yes I planned on tooling it, so I guess the herman oak is the way to go. I've been reading and watching video's for a few weeks and I think I'm ready to try it out (well I mean I'm brave enough to finally dive in) . I already bought a few pounds of scraps and have been practicing tooling on those (now that I'm tooling I've been bitten by the bug). I also plan on buying a few straps because of mistakes cause i'm sure I'll have some. I will have to search for that video about waterproofing. Thanks again for the replies Manny
  12. Hello all I am new to the leather craft world. I have been reading this forum for a few weeks and have learned so much already. I thank you all for that but here is my question. I want to make a Radio strap for myself like the one I have pictured. I have read so many tips on dyes, stains,paints etc. My question is I'm not sure what type of leather I should go with? Should I buy pre-cut black latigo straps? should I get pre-cut herman oak straps? The strap will be exposed to heat and water I'm just not sure whats best any help would be apprecited thanks in advance.
  13. Thank you both for the advice. I really appreciate it. I'll start with a few pre-cut straps and go from there. Are there any books either of you would reccomend? I was thinking of getting Belts Galore by Al Stohlman? What books would you reccomend for coloring and staining? Thanks in advance
  14. Hi My name is Manny. I recently started looking into working with leather to make belts, guitar Straps, and Radio straps. At first I was just toying with the idea but as I began to research I have been hooked. Looking at some of the pieces created has moved me to want to know this craft better. I have spent most of my free time these last 10 days by watching video's and reading everything I can. I read some of the topics on this forum and have found some very very usefull information. I'm going to take the plunge soon and buy some things I need to get started. I have read numerous times to only purchase what you need to accomplish your Project. I'm going to start making belts very soon. My question is I'm not really sure what grade of leather to go with when it comes to this I'm unsure of sizes. I don't want to order pre-cut straps cause I feel like thats cheating any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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