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About cowgirl1954

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  • Location
    Butte, Montana
  • Interests
    Horses, hunting, fishing, boating, four wheeling, snow mobiling, skiing.Just anything related to the mountains.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    pendants, purses, bracelets, ladies belts
  • Interested in learning about
    sheridan style carving
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    internet search/ google

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  1. Thanks Doug. I have gotten a couple of books and they are great and had some small patterns in them. I am doing great and making progress! So I am very pleased. Just getting a good swivel knife has improved my work a bunch! Jacque
  2. Hello, I just ordered Craftool Tech-tips by Al Stohlman on amazon. This book is supposed to be awesome for beginners and intermediates just like the one I received today. I am excited to get new tools and knife and books so I can get going. Feeling real inspired right now to tool and carve. David, you might check out this other book. Happy Tooling!!!! Jacque
  3. Hello, Well guys thank you for all the information it was very helpful. I just bought a Barry King Knife the price is right and it is a great quality I am told. It is better than what I have anyway. I will eventually buy a Sk-3 or a knife of that quality. First I want to make sure I have the knack for this carving and tooling. Leather Wranglers told me the sk-3 blade will fit the Barry King knife should I want one. So I will give this a whirl and see what happens. My knife was shipped out today so I am excited. Thanks everyone! Jacque
  4. Hello David, I received my Stohlman Step by Step by Peter Main book today in the mail. Just looked through it and wow. What an amazing book especially for beginners and you are right it has patterns I can practice. Really impressed with this book. Can't wait to practice now. Thanks for recommending this book. Jacque
  5. Hello, I am looking for a round knife that has a three inch blade and has an offset handle. I have small hands and don't want a big knife. Who makes good round knives? Thanks! Jacque
  6. Thank you for getting back to me. I am serious about this craft and I want a good swivel knife. My husband has arthritis in his hands so he thinks he wants a tangle boss. Right now my carving sucks because I don't have a nice knife with a bearing in it that makes it smooth. Can't seem to find an ol smoothie. Chuck Smith has a website which is not finished and he is on facebook but I have tried to contact him with no luck. So I don't know anything about his knife. another question: Do you prefer ceramic blade or steele blades? Who has good blades? where can they be purchased?
  7. Hello, My name is Jacque and I am new to leatherworking and carving. I have been given some very cheap swivel knives to practice with. They are all pretty much suck. Who makes good quality swivel knives? I have been recommended to Henley, Sk-Knives, and the Tangle Boss. Don't know which to go at this point I am leaning toward a tangle boss for a beginner he says there is very little learning curve. So any opinions out there?
  8. Thank you guys for getting back to me. I went to the elktracks site and looked it over. He has some nice patterns. David, I will look at tandy for that book. I wish we had people in Montana who teach and give private lessons. I have got a DVD and several books! I am receiving the leather crafter journal also which that helps. My husband thinks I am starting out to hard need to do simple border patterns and as I get better then go into sheridan style carving. Ha! But I love this style!!!!!Ha!
  9. Hello, I am new to leather working and carving. I am looking for simple sheridan floral patterns to carve and work. I can find wallet patterns, belt and notebook and checkbook pattersns. I don't want anything that big to start with. I just want some small flowers and a few leaves or one flower and a few leaves. Not skilled enough to draw my own patterns! So where can I find simple patterns?
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