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  1. Thanks! It's not for a fire arm. It has 2 bags for carrying around random items. It could be modified pretty easy to carry a fire arm.
  2. Check out my new shoulder holster I just finished
  3. I recently did a write up for a new, strange cuff I built http://redd.it/293kce or you can view the pics here http://imgur.com/a/sPL22#0 Let me know what you think
  4. Hi everybody! I have been working leather for about 5 years now. I really enjoy combining the age-old craft of leather woking with modern tools and techniques including: laser cutting, glow in the dark materials and EL panels that are battery powered and light up. Some of my latest work can been seen in my etsy store at http://www.etsy.com/shop/exponentiallyawesome or you can follow work in progress on my fb http://www.facebook.com/ExponentiallyAwesome I have some of my older work up here http://www.spencerchristopherson.com/other-art.html Thanks, Spencer
  5. I ended up getting one of these. I am mostly sewing leather cuffs and mostly in straight lines so I figured it would work for my purposes. I have it all set up and running and am loving it so far. It will crank through 5oz vegetable tan easy as can be!
  6. I have never actually used a hand crank. I used to have access to a Consew industrial but most of the work I do is slow with lots of direction changes. The Consew was just too fast. I found myself cranking it by hand more often than not so I figured my next machine might as well be a hand crank I searched around on ebay a bit. It looks like most of those are motorized.
  7. I am looking recommendations on a inexpensive, hand crank machine. The older machines look like a nice option but I am not sure which ones are easiest to find parts for or get serviced. I am typically sewing 2 to 3 layers of light weight upholstery, veg tan or suede leather. All layers combines are around 3/16 to 1/4" thick. Thanks in advance, Spencer
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