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Everything posted by Pennypower

  1. Cyberthrasher.... When you say 50/50 resolene, does that mean you mix it with water?
  2. Thank you both for the great advice. I'm going to start by buffing it more and using very watered down die on the back and see how that goes. I can't dip dye anything unfortunately because I am working in my apartment living room and I have to be SUPER careful not to spill anything on the carpet....sigh. I've never wanted a garage so bad in my life!!!!
  3. Hi everyone :-) I'm new here. This is my first post. I've been reading everything I can find on here for weeks. I have a question, here goes. I just started making belts and I'm wondering if you dye the back of your belts, and with what? I don't want that really light look, but I don't mind it being not quite as dark as the top side. But the problem is I feel like I'm using SO MUCH dye when I dye the back. It just absorbes so much. I need to be as economical as possible. I've been using Eco Flo waterstain or Feibings spirit based dyes. Also, when I dye it, no matter how much I buff it after, I still have color rubbing off and I don't want to ruin people's clothes. So, what do you do to the back of your belts to make them look nice and professional? THanks ;-) Penny
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