Hi everyone :-) I'm new here. This is my first post. I've been reading everything I can find on here for weeks. I have a question, here goes.
I just started making belts and I'm wondering if you dye the back of your belts, and with what? I don't want that really light look, but I don't mind it being not quite as dark as the top side. But the problem is I feel like I'm using SO MUCH dye when I dye the back. It just absorbes so much. I need to be as economical as possible. I've been using Eco Flo waterstain or Feibings spirit based dyes.
Also, when I dye it, no matter how much I buff it after, I still have color rubbing off and I don't want to ruin people's clothes.
So, what do you do to the back of your belts to make them look nice and professional?
THanks ;-)