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Everything posted by BobtheSkunk

  1. Thanks. My plan for now is to make three or four holsters for myself. I have one revolver in particular that I want to carry on hikes and the only commercial holster I've found is a Bianchi No. 5, which is a nice holster, but it's not what I want. I doubt that I will pursue this as any sort of commercial endeavor. From my perspective, there are plenty of custom holster makers out there, and they're making really nice holsters now. On the other hand, I'm amazed at the demand, especially for concealed carry holsters.
  2. I've been experimenting on a piece of scrap the last couple of days to find out whether I could form a deep and persistent crease without much drama. I used a stubby screwdriver and a punch with a flat end. For now, I'm going to proceed with a crease made with a layout gage to set the edge distance. I also stamped a few decorations with various tools from my box and started thinking through how I can make stamps by carving and embossing the ends of the tools, or by using pieces from cheap Chicom needle files. I have a book that I bought around 1970 with various articles about gun work, and one of those articles is about making a revolver holster decorated with home shop fabricated stamps. My intention is to keep this simple by avoiding carving. I need a few holsters and I have a full time job besides all the other interesting distractions interrupted by work. Thanks for the comments. I'll probably make the first pattern this weekend.
  3. I've been gleaning information from your forum for several days in preparation for making a few holsters. So far, I'm heartened by the tenor and respect in the threads I've read. This is a good thing.
  4. Noob question. The last time I fabricated anything from leather was in the '70's and that project was uninhibited by knowing anything about the right tools or methods. I still have that holster. I've been watching videos and reading several threads here. I'm about to sew a new holster and I want it to look and "be" right. But I'm not going to buy a pile of tools, I'll probably either adapt something I have or make what I can without much drama. So, to get to the point, I have to wonder if I can't crease a groove deep enough to protect the stitches, instead of cutting a groove with one of the commercial tools. Does this method come with traps? I also have to wonder why I couldn't cut the groove with a razor sharp miniature veiner for carving wood, or a sharpened adjustable divider.
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