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  • Location
    Cameron, Missouri

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Small project pieces, just learning
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    Drop style gun holsters
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  1. I would love a copy..At least it would give me a starting point.... I can send you my email address if you need it
  2. All I did was buy a ID wallet from tandy and then play with the designs with your imagination. I bought the kit then used it as a template. I went to Wal-Mart and purchased some Acetate for the lil plastic windows.... Fun to do and learning the double loop stitch was rewarding
  3. The overlay was a fun one to learn from scratch. Had a pattern and added all the over lay and Cross. Had to dissemble it twice...Who would have known the id window would not allow for sewing of the over lay.Seen one like it and just had to try it.
  4. I appreciate all the responses. I was thinking the strap down the middle made perfect sense, just wondered if leather would be the best idea with it being next to the skin. Sweat plays hell on leather. I like the design Dwight has...That will be more than likely the way I go...Thank you all. Now to play with design and development... Guess once I make one, I hope someone else wants one.
  5. I do not own this image it was borrowed from ETSY.COM ..... I am looking for a pattern to make a resemblance of this. I have this special requested and have no clue where to start... any help would be great.
  6. That word "acetate" is what I needed ...Thank you so very much!!!! Here is the link in case others need some http://springfieldleather.com/25910/Acetate/
  7. I am looking for some of the plastic film that is used in the ID display portion of the wallet. I have multiple orders for Id card wallets but cant find just the film. Anyone have a lead on that?
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