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About johnnywalks

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  1. Is this any different from other cylinder arm machine? I do own a Pfaff and the arm blocks you from doing this type of stitch method. Thanks RockAussie! Extra tall post might be the best solution.
  2. Thank you! Yes I suppose what you mentioned is like those rotating cylinder arm machines I have seen. https://youtu.be/7ebT9aL6MDk Hopefully someone can offer an alternative way to get this stitch (besides hand sewing).
  3. Dear fellow leatherworkers, Need your expertise and advice. Which machine can I use to achieve this overlap panel stitch on both sides to close this tote bag construction? Is this only achievable with a rotating post bed sewing machine? I'm excluding hand sewing for this project. Thank you and appreciate any input!
  4. Aww Thanks for the diagram!!!!!!! I manage to release the shaft and it moves...but how do i move bushing 3? I did loosen the screw set that holds it but i don't seem to able to move it towards sideways.
  5. Hi!!!! Need help with my Pfaff 335 please. I'm trying to set my timing with a 134-35 DH needle size NM90 size 14. The tip of my hook is touching my needle and pushing it outwards, this needle is quite small actually. How do i move the hook (or needle) to give it a 0.05mm distance between both hook and needle?
  6. Wow, impressive! Thanks for sharing your knowledge so far. Unfortunately my motor is a c face and it didn't come with any foot flange for mounting. Now i have to figure that out, either with some steel bracket or get someone to fabricate a steel frame to fit the motor vertical. 20mm inside diameter wheel is another issue, i can get someone to lathe the correct threaded bolt arbor for me, wonder what the costs are for such work in UK. My other consideration is using tapered end arbor, will they work? http://www.metalpolishingsupplies.co.uk/bench-grinder-spindle-adapter-5-8-16mm-right-hand-side/
  7. Hope to learn more from you, thank you for sharing your knowledge Lobo! Sadly the fashion world at the moment is about rather keen on chrome tan leather with edge paint matte and smooth finish. In fact, the smoother the leather, the smoother the edge "the better". lol. However i think the Veg tan wax technique is making it's comeback slowly. Do you think the grub screws will work fin on the keyway slot of my motor shaft?
  8. Have you try cloth only wheel? I was told by the guys from Mando FR even cloth with one leather is too harsh for final finish. I have a dremel with muslin cloth only and they do work but the rpm is too quick and i prefer to be "hands free" holding the leather. Besides, the dremel cloth wheel is too small to do quick runs for me. i just need this setup for small production runs and longer edges and of course build a better knowledge towards leather goods production. Italian mades like Omac, Ginev and German Sieck are all making this edge polishing machines for production and i am sure they exist for a good reason. Right about now i do need an opinion on the grub screws on the adapters before i can try it out! lol. And after solving the adapter issue I'll have to think about how to mount my C face motor vertical and boxed up just enough to be on a table as space is limited for me... sighs. Not giving up tho!
  9. Just found this and looks like this guy is locking the grub screw with no issues. https://atelierdubricoleur.wordpress.com/2014/01/29/mounting-a-steel-wire-wheel-monter-une-brosse-dacier-rotative/
  10. Thank you for your input, nice setup and lots of space! The intention of my motor is mainly to smooth out the edge paint's final coat rather than sand the leather edge itself. The horsepower is bit low on mine, but i think that does the job based on what i researched. I don't think i will look for another motor, these stuff are not cheap in the United Kingdom and am happy i got a decent deal off this variable speed setup. I was hoping someone can point the right direction to solve my keyway shaft issue of fitting an arbor that allows polishing wheels to be fitted.
  11. Thanks RockyAussie, i was thinking of that too, but will the grub srews lock onto the key slot? i am thinking i can just pull the whole adapter out sideways? Hope any experts, engineers or anyone who had done this before can give their feedback. My shaft diameter is about 14mm estimate, which i believe a 5/8 adapter is closest? https://www.amazon.com/Grizzly-G5551-Arbors-8-Inch-2-Inch/dp/B0000DD4B1/ref=pd_sim_469_4?ie=UTF8&dpID=41CV-8WxEhL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_&refRID=SQE5VVEPR61RKK14JGK1 Specs of my motor attached, i got this off eBay and it is variable speed and spins two directions. Also, i was trying to get the cloth wheel and i was told by my supplier in France their cloth wheel has an inside diameter of 20mm....seems rather hard to find an adapter of that size...
  12. Hey guys, i had abit more time to my project and decided to go cheap/adventurous and try to build my own buffing machine. I got this variable speed motor off eBay, all fixed up with inverter, dial speed and ready to use. I thought i will just need to build a box to hold everything in place. Problem! - the motor shaft uses a keyway, which to my novice knowledge are generally use for pulleys. How do i convert a keyway shaft to hold typical adaptors with grub screws to hold buffing wheels?
  13. Thanks JMWent. I was just very afraid the rpm of 3400 will melt the edge paint too easily. I may go with 1400 rpm to slow it down. But i am glad to hear that single speed does the trick and made the difference in your work. I guess i have to stick to my guts to go with DIY at 1400rpm and upgrade to a tried and tested manufacturing brand in the near future if need to. My only worry is that at 1400 rpm i may not be able to burnish with wood for veg tan leather. I guess i'll take it one step at a time.
  14. Thanks mate, this gives me more confidence to build my own and find my feel of the DIY. Am based in United Kingdom actually, use to have Johnnywalker as a client/sponsor years ago hence the name. lolol. I read somewhere that to buff acrylic (which we assume has the closest melt properties to edge paint). Measure the 'Surface Feet Per Minute' at around 1400 - 4000. - Take 1/4 of the wheel diameter, then times the rpm of the motor. Example: 1/4 of 8" wheel diameter = 2 x 1400rpm = 2800rpm. It should be within that range to avoid overworking/melting. Hope to share this knowledge to anyone who is into the math solution. Looks like i will go with 1400 rpm and give it a shot.
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