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Everything posted by Invasion

  1. I am in the middle of making a slip case for Kindle touch. I have dyed it with Fiebing's professional oil dye and was wondering; how long I should leave before I stitch together ? It is dry to the touch now, but obviously not properly dry. Thanks
  2. Thanks for thought really appreciated Shame I am not closer I had a look on the Abbey site, they don't seem to have any? Not that impressed with the tandy one. I have added some leather so it doesn't mark my work but I really don't like it! Thanks again
  3. Now this may be a silly question but, does it matter, what way I cut strips for belts and collars? The reason I ask; I noticed today that a strip On my bench that I was going to use for a dog collar, is really stretchy? Is this just bad quality leather or could it be the direction it was cut... if that makes sense ? Thanks
  4. Any reason ? I phoned joesph Dixon today and they are out of stock of the saddlers clamp so I've got a cheap one from From tandy to use in the meantime.
  5. Hi I am in UK about 18 miles from Cambridge itself
  6. Has anyone got one of these and if so opinions on it please. I was thinking of getting one as this company seems to be much better quality than the normal suppliers in England Thanks
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