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  1. Thanks for a second look, Saddlebag. Big Horn was who Mr. Jolley mentioned as well. I had wondered if stitching patterns could help identify the maker, much like brush strokes help identify a painter, but I guess there's no way to be sure unless I could find the identical saddle with the Big Horn mark on it. I know not every stitched saddle seat in the world is on the internet, but I haven't seen a pattern so far that I like better than mine.
  2. That's a very helpful chart to refer to. Thank you for posting it. Mr.Jolley described the cantle the same way Saddlebag did. If you squint when you look at it, you can almost imagine an elephant's ear. I think it's kind of romantic - in an Old West kind of way - to describe it like that. Mr. Jolley is 86 years old though, so perhaps the term may be one used by an older generation?? Little wonder tree looks about right for the tree.
  3. That is extremely cool to know. Thank you for sharing that piece of information. I'm slowly acquiring the correct terminology for all my saddle pieces: pelican horn, Mother Hubbard skirt, elephant ear cantle. This site is great!!!!
  4. Thank you so much for your reply and I agree about the toughness of this saddle. It's incredible. My keeper is long gone and there is no imprint at all on the horn, sad to say, so I don't suppose I'll ever know for certain whether or not it is Simco, but the evidence seems to point to something close to it. I'm down south for the summer but can't wait to get back to Pennsylvania and see how Mr.Jolley has restored it. I'll post pictures in August!!!! Thanks again.
  5. Hi Blake, This is great. Thank you so much for narrowing down the field for me. I will look up old saddles from those makers. I've been pouring over the pictures on the internet and have yet to see a saddle with stitching like my saddle or an elephant ear cantle like it. (Although I have seen a few that are much more exaggerated in the elephant ear shape). But granted, there are so many variations in western saddles, it might be too much to hope for a close match...but it sure would be nice. Mr. Jolley took the saddle apart to inspect and repair (and for me to clean and remove the stitching so that he can re-fleece!) and I have been ALL OVER that saddle. There is no daisy on the horn. (I wish!!) All the rivets are smooth. There is a 5 stamped under the gullet and a 1 stamped in the channel leather. On the sliding buckles (not blevins, but I forget what they're called) to change the length of the stirrups, there is a marking that looks like an M with a curved line through it wih a pointed tip. (I should have taken a pic before I returned the fenders to Mr.J, but next time I go to his shop, I'll snap it) So, other than the mark scratched into the leather (in my above post) the saddle is clean. I have added another photo of the skirt, just to be thorough. I think it will shock Mr. Jolley to death if I can find a picture of another saddle like this one with A S.E. maker identification. Just yesterday he was laughing about the size of the horn, and said those Texans like to put their coffee cups on the horn. He also said he had saddle books that even hell doesn't have, but that are on loan to his friends. He's going to get them back and do some research, but I want to provide as much additional information to him as I can. Thank you so much!
  6. Just got back from Mr. Jolley's with the other skirt to clean. Because there is a pocket for the saddle tree, I've dug down between the pieces of leather to clean and found this symbol. It's an elongated M with a 1 under the v section of the M. There's a half bar beneath. Could it be a Maker's Mark? Does it look familiar to anyone? Thank you!
  7. Thank you so much Olttoot for your reply. I'm slowly piecing this together. You are absolutely right about the usage. In cleaning it, it was obvious that the horse beneath it worked very hard through mud and manure (as it and sweat were embedded in the stirrups and fenders), and then the saddle fell into ignorant hands and was neglected. I found a Ray Holes saddle made in 1963 that had the same rigging up front, (and just a leather slot in the rear) so I think you have the timeline right. The fellow who runs Cowboy Showcase thinks the saddle is production made, otherwise it would have a name on it, but if the maker's marks are sometimes stamped on the latigo keeper, I could see how that could be broken off over time - unfortunately. He definitely thought it originated from the southwestern United States, but I won't rule out Dixieland if you think there's a trail there. I'm in New York, so there's no question the saddle has traveled far from home. It wasn't me who labeled it high quality, it was my saddler, Dick Jolley, who is 84, been working with saddles for over 40 years, and specifically said how impressed he was with it and even wants to use it to train his two apprentices because the workmanship is so rare and excellent. He's offered to write a letter of recommendation attesting to its quality. The tree is wooden, sound and wrapped with both canvas and rawhide. The leather is extremely thick and now that it has been cleaned, beautiful - very deep and lustrous. (And oh boy, does Mr. Jolley like that elephant ear cantle!) The saddle seat is padded and soft. Steel rod in the stirrups, heavyweight blevins buckles. Mr Jolley said that back when the saddle was made, the border with Mexico was very porous and that frequently, Mexicans came into New Mexico to work on saddles. He said they were some of the most clever saddle makers - at least to his taste - at the time (he also thinks 60's) and might have had a hand in this saddle. It's a fun little history project and making me fall in love with saddles and leatherwork, that's for sure. Thank you for contributing to it.
  8. I'd like your help identifying the maker of this saddle please. I purchased it last week and took it to the saddler for re-fleecing. He can find no maker's mark, but is very curious about it because of the high quality of the saddle. He believes it is S. Western in origin or maybe even Mexican. It has a 15 inch gold seat stitched with a beautiful fire pattern. Every piece of it is doubled leather except for the stirrup wrap ties and the saddle weighs over 50 pounds. The horn is flat and 4 inches in diameter. The cantle is elephant ear. The double rigging is in-skirt. The rivets are copper. Their is a pocket in the skirt for the tree. The tree is canvas and rawhide wrapped and there are two sets of two holes bored toward the rear of the tree which I read on line was typical of older saddles for the strings to be run through. There is no carving at all, only the open W stitching pattern for decoration. I think the rigging is what is most unique as I have not seen that on the Internet in other saddles even though I have been researching it steadily for a week. Thank you for your help, any leads or even your best guess!!!
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