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  1. http://www.ebay.com/itm/SINGER-111W-SWING-GUIDE-PART-226292-/120926486146?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c27c7be82 something like this looks comparable
  2. I am having problems keeping my lines straight when Sewing on my Singer 111w153. I saw this image and thought that the attachment used would solve my problem. What is it and is there something similar that can be attached to my Singer 111w153?
  3. Great! Do you have a favorite sand paper grit that you use?
  4. Great im going to try this. Does there need to be a lot of friction? Almost like burnishing
  5. I made a belt and everything is great besides the underside. How do I tame the "fuzzyness" I would like it to be as smooth as possible and to stay that way. Any tips are appreciated
  6. Im looking at this pulley here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sewing-Machine-Parts-for-Singer-Motor-38-39-48-Splined-Pulley-876691-2-1-4-/290761977097 How does it stay secured to the splined shaft? Thanks everyone for the helpful advice
  7. Good to know, thanks
  8. This is great, do you know any good recourses where I might be able to buy the 4" pulley. Larger = Slower right? -MB
  9. The top pulley is giant so that helps with the crazy speed. Im going to see if I can track down the older pulley. I have a feeling when the pulley fell off additional parts may have fell with it. Im gonna do some hunting for that as well
  10. Im not sure im following you, from the looks of everything nothing seems to be damaged or stripped. Nothing screws in/onto the threaded part of the shaft. The pulley screw clamps down on the part before the threading. Maybe im just being niave but it has got to be simpler than replacing the whole motor....,
  11. Cant Why do you "hate to say it" I cant really control the speed of the machine very well with it being a clutch motor.
  12. The pulley can definitely tighten down on the shaft, but there is no designated spot for it to be tighten down on. If that makes sense. It was working just fine for a long time. Then I started it up today and encountered that problem fairly quickly.
  13. I have a singer 111w153. The lower pulls keeps falling off no matter how tight I get the small allen bolt you see pictured. Im sure I am missing something.
  14. I have been doing a lot of leather work over the past few months and I have been doing it entirely by hand. Which is fine, but very time consuming. Im looking to upgrade by buying a sewing machine. I came across this on my local CL http://losangeles.craigslist.org/sfv/for/3909020096.html I generally never work with anything heavier than 5oz. Will a machine like this be suitable? Thanks for the help
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