Forgive me, I am hand stitching and have been using a six prong punch. Saddle stitch has been doing very well for me and I'll do the back stitching. That sounds like a winner. Thank you.
I have made phone cases, belts, and a belt loop for my work keys that I wear everyday out of it and it has held up very well when being drenched in sweat everyday. Water resistant, no but water durability yes
Need some advise on stitching knots. I have some people that would like to purchase some of my leather goods and I want to produce quality products and I am wondering if I am tying good enough knots in my stitching. Which ones do you all use? Any advise to this new leather worker is appreciated. Thanks.
Thank you. I finally learned that instead of building the bag an then fighting it to put accessories that I thought of on it, like I have done on my first duffle and two purses. I learned to get that stuff done before the sewing and its a bunch easier. The thin sleeve that is on te inside is for my leaders, so they stay nice and flat and my forceps are easily accessible as well as the d-ring on the back for my other tools.
I have been playing around with leather for just over a year now and have made some bags and purses for family members. Figured it was time I make something for myself. It's a double Austin shoulder 8-9oz. Hand sewn and I love it. Check out or .org. It's where I got the idea from. It is modeled after the old wicker creel. It is drying from being wet molded right now. I want to take it out on a river now.
You all do not know how much you just made my day. I stitch everything by hand and I figured I'd get torn apart on here for my techniques. Thank you all. The Weekender is my favorite too!
My next project is a creel-style fly fishing bag that rides on your weak side.
I really like their design but its too big for me as I am trying to adopt the Minimalist lifestyle and only want to have what I need. Hopefully soon I will be posting a Work In Progress thread on here. Thank you all again.
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Keyring I made like the one my grandfather gave me years ago.
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"The Weekender" Round duffle I made
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Moleskin notebook cover
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Phone cover
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Slim wallet to carry the essentials
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Car organizer
Uploaded with ImageShack.usLever action rifle bullet holder
Uploaded with ImageShack.usPurse I made for my mom, I have since cut the strap to fit her shoulder length and put a pad on the strap. Made one similar but smaller for my sister. Don't have a picture of it though.
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Detail of the pad for my "Weekender" bag
Please tell me what you think. Any critiques that could help me out?