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Everything posted by HotRodjlr

  1. Hi I'm trying to find a sewing machine that is around $300.00 I'm on a budget. The thickest leather would be 1 Inch thick total on double shoulder leather. I tool the Holsters then sew it People have told me that the Singer 15-91 will do the trick Can you help me please!
  2. HotRodjlr


    sgt.rodriguez1277@yahoo.com E-mail me
  3. The thickest would be an Inch thick total. It is double shoulder leather because i have to tool in the patterns then tann it and sew it. Thank you Tom for your help.
  4. What about the Singer Egyptian Sphinx Model 15?
  5. Centennial Singer 15-91sewing machine I heard was good on thick leather?
  6. Im thinking about purchasing a used or rebuilt sewing machine for my leather work. I am working with heavy leather under 7 oz. Im on a tight budget and looking to spend no more than $300 at this point im looking for help in getting some recamendations from you. I'm looking at the HEAVY DUTY WHITE 1315 INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH SEWING MACHINE.
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