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Eternal Custom Designs

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Everything posted by Eternal Custom Designs

  1. No nobody has...thank you very much though!!! you are appreciated!!there's a progress pic
  2. Also how long should the dye sit before biting and gluing?? Thanks I haven't seen any answers browsing the forum
  3. Awesome...I'm using black and so far so good...how can I post progress pics on here?
  4. Can I just use water to sponge clean my leather before dying with fiebings spirit dye...I don't wear gloves and was told I should.. if I do idyll be more so a sweat fest..anyways...how long should the dye dry before buffing and glueing....also when I blue should I lay something heavy on the piece overnight to ensure a great hold?? Thanks for helping the new guy!!! God bless!! Rob-B
  5. Thanks... yeah my cutting went good...this particular collar has two layers..on the top layer I cut a name in it to where when the two layers are attached it will look pretty nice...what do you clean your leather with before dying...I was told to where gloves when working with the leather but if I do I'll sweat more being in Texas...lol..and drip sweat on my pieces...I cut my back side about about 3/16 th larger so when I glue them I can just trim the one side to match...any tips on dying and gluing? Thanks a lot Rob-B
  6. I wanted to know since I don't wear globes while working with the leather what should I use to clean the leather before dying it with fiebings spirit...my jobber told me to always wear gloves but if I do I sweat so bad it'll drip on my projects!!! Thanks in advance for helping the green horn!!! Rob-B
  7. Also what do you use to mark your pieces...sorry for the 20 ?s
  8. Do you cut your leather wet? This collar on the top layer will have a name cut into it...all the way through to where the flesh side of the 2nd layer will be seen...any advice?
  9. Thanks...very much so...I think just starting the cutting is the scariest part...lol..I financially can't afford to mess up...thanks again
  10. I would love the patterns pls...eternalcustomdesigns@gmail. com
  11. I'm making dog collars with two layers of 4-5 ounce veg tanned shoulders...what's the best way to cut them the same shape...I'm very new to the craft and don't have an abundance of tools...also should I cut down on the the tooling side or the grain side...thanks in advance... Rob-B
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