Wow!!! Thanks so much to ALL for your support!! Dwight: you may be on to something, I may get better results with my carving with a ratchet or chainsaw! Sometimes I feel like it turns out looking like that's what I used anyway!
Kytim: yup, that is real atmosphere on the boots! Haha. I guess I'm just classy that way, poopy boots on white carpet hahaha. Sheesh... I had to go look at the pics to see if indeed the boots were dirty hahaha (where in KY are you from? I lived in Lexington for quite a long time!)
Thanks to all, seriously! It makes me want to keep trying! I did have a question that perhaps one of the more experience people here can help me with... When all was said and done, there seemed to be "excess" leather between the placards and fringe..: would that have been a placard placement error? Measuring for the fringe error? I was going to email Mark at cow camp and see what he thought, perhaps...
Again! Thanks for taking the time to look!