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Everything posted by Akhenaten

  1. 541 (http://leatherworker.net/forum/uploads/gallery/album_2050/gallery_43283_2050_33832.jpg) is a good example of the cut line issue I'm talking about. The others are examples of the "gap" issue I was referring to. In general these pictures seem distorted because of how close I was trying to capture the detail. It's hard to make out what is beveled vs straight sides. Sorry about that.
  2. Ya I haven't been casing properly... I was following the spray it down and tool method. Here's some pictures of the project I'm working on right now that has some of what I'm talking about.
  3. Thank you all! I'll practice some more and consider upgrading my beveller.
  4. Too often when I do a swivel cut and then bevel I see a line where the cut goes deeper than the beveling. Or if I hammer the bevel hard to get to the depth of the cut then I'm left with a large gap that looks funny. What am I doing wrong?
  5. So after researching that name I realized I had already purchased one as a stitching grover, but never tried it. I tried it out tonight and got the result I was looking for. Thank you for the pointer.
  6. That case is so awesome! I'm working on a purse and would like to do those straight lines. Can someone point me in the direction of how to do that? They don't seem to be from a swivel knife because they lay flat. Stumped...
  7. I could see about 75% of how I normally do. It was enough to get around but not enough to really feel comfortable. I wanted some dark ski google lense or something similar. Using a cheese grater worked ok, but I plan to drill it out a bit it increase the viewing ability.
  8. Yep. At work I creeped someone out. I also tried to wear it at a con but the lighting/eye holes being so small made it hard to navigate the crowd. I got tired of carrying it around. It also caught me on the chin more than I had planned when I planned it. The paper pattern I made fit better than the hard leather.
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