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Everything posted by bucksnort

  1. Great job Bret. Your work always gives me something to work towards. Buck
  2. Very nice Bret. I like the bit cheek pendant. Buck
  3. Finished a little earlier for an order. Reins are 8 strand square, romal is 12 strand square. I liked KAW's method of attaching the popper so well, I stole it. Buck
  4. bucksnort

    1/4 Bosal

    I like the ash method. It's a little more work than liming, but not as messy. On the second hide I did, I got lazy & didn't flesh off some areas that had a thin layer of fat. When I dehaired it, those areas where hard to scrape & the pigment layer came off in patches. I think a good fleshing job might be more important with this method than with liming. it. Other than that, the rawhide has great color & more strength than hides I've done with lime Thanks, Buck
  5. bucksnort


    Nice, I like the pattern changes too. It looks straight to me, but maybe that's just in comparison to some of mine (just kidding) It looks great. Buck
  6. bucksnort

    1/4 Bosal

    Thanks Mike.
  7. Thanks Bret. Buck
  8. That's a beauty. How are the clasp ends secured? Buck
  9. bucksnort

    1/4 Bosal

    Thank you much. Buck
  10. bucksnort

    1/4 Bosal

    Just finished for an order. 1/4 in. 8 strand square braid. I used a double turks head on nose & heel. I prefer this for many reasons, not the least of which is that I taught myself to do this & even though I have since learned to do pineapples & guachos, I still like the looks of this a lot & it is different than the norm. This is from the hide I dehaired with dry ash method, I really like the contrast from cornering the strings. Buck
  11. lacemaster.com has a nifty lace calculator. Buck
  12. Very nice. I'm like Brad, impressed & a little jealous. Buck
  13. bucksnort

    New Bosal

    Thanks Joe.
  14. Hate to see it , but happy for him. I try to make all my own, but have gotten some from him in a pinch. Great to deal with & a nice product. I always liked knowing he was there for back up. Buck
  15. Thanks Joe, I would think rawhide would be good. It would have more life than leather, not sure if that's good or bad. Since you mentioned the World Leather Debut a while back I've been considering planning a trip around it. I'll keep you posted. Buck
  16. Something about the soap changes it, but it does seem to really hold the moisture in the strands. I should have called Arthur an acquaintance rather than a friend, nobody really likes him much. Buck
  17. Pete, Yeah it's rawhide. I make mostly reins, quirts & hondos. I'm starting to make a few bosals as my button work gets a little better. Not sure how rawhide would work for whips, I think Leatherpownder has some experience with roo rawhide. Buck
  18. Nice job Brad. That makes a really nice set for start to finish. Buck
  19. Leatherpownder, You get the credit for sharing with us. Almost everything I know came from someone else. Megabit, I don't think I'll make it to the Buck Brannaman deal, wrong end of the State. Thanks Pete, I haven't gotten in to any tanning, but my son in law ask about tanning a bear hide & I told him I was game to try. Anyway, here's some pics. Not sure they do it justice (couldn't be my photography ability). This hide is from a 600 weight steer that died on a friends place. I just took the best of it & left behind flank, belly & brand. Still managed to nick it once. Buck
  20. Brad, If I get down to the valley I'll take you up on it. If you get up north I'll let you practice on one of my hides, but then I should probably buy lunch. Blake, thanks for the compliment. Leatherpownder posted the method on here (Scraping Hides). You sprinkle fine ash on a stretched & dried hide & scrape with a hardwood stick. if you look at some of Leatherpownder's work you'll see what I mean about the way it preserves the color & check out his post for more particulars on the method. Buck
  21. Dehaired a hide today using the dry ash method. I'm a convert. took the hair off pretty easily, but my favorite part was the finish & the color of the hide. This was from a pure black animal & the hide turned out really evenly colored & black. Everything I've ever done with lime or even dry scaping has always turned out some shade of brown. Thanks Leatherpownder.
  22. bucksnort

    New Bosal

    Thanks Brad.
  23. bucksnort

    New Bosal

    Thank You.
  24. bucksnort

    New Bosal

    Finished a little earlier. 7/16 ( was shooting for 1/2), 12 strand body under 3 over 3, nose & heel are some leather that Biker55 kindly shared with me. Guacho weave on nose & heel. Over a braided core. Has a great feel to it Buck
  25. That's good planning. I usually discover that I used some of the matching strings I need to finish a project for something else. Buck
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